1/18/2014 400 Keawe Grand Opening For Public
另外一個KAKAAKO 大樓今天開始預售,這個樓房與其他的大樓不同與樓層數只有 6樓 算是 LOW RISE
主打沒有公共設施所以物業管理費比較低。 全部單位95個, 2個電梯 估計2017 年完工
One Bedrooms 一房 starting at $452,000
Two Bedrooms 二房 starting at $626,000
Three Bedrooms 三房 starting at $767,000
底樓主打是商店街, 可以步行去以後的捷運站
Rentering Picture
credit to castle cooke hawaii
此圖大家可以看見 400 Keawe的地點
E= The Collection 也是一個新大樓目前已經開始施工
A low rise building that will have 95 units in total ranging from 1 to 3 bedroom units.
If you are interested please contact us today for a private showing.
400 Keawe will offer 95 condominium units.
The lion's share will be market priced homes-75, to be exact while the remaining 20 will be reserve units.
Expect the one , two and three bedroom units to carry price tags in the range of just under $400,000 to about $750,000.